My bagged RCSB is on 24s with 295/30 tires. Drive it all over the place. Been on a few 4+ hour trips with no issues. Just have to pay attention to the road. But when you're riding a few inches off the pavement you have to watch the road closely anyway for debris, so it's not that difficult..
drive my shit all the time, usually about 3" off the ground. ran over a few dead animals, picked up some meat and bone fragments here and there. ran over one dead animal, don't know what it was but this is what I pulled from under the truck
Holy shit! Ive ran over quit a few in mine. The worst one was an armadillo that I drug for a good while and the blood baked on my exhaust, had chunks of meat hanging everywhere under the truck lol
da fuck are you guys doing? the worst ive hit is a paper bag, and a ladder about 8 years ago
dat maximum cali, but srsly haven't seen anything serious on the roadway since that ladder back in the day but this is also caliYou ride so high with the front of your truck billy you should be able to clear deer that may run out lol
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