Alecks' hopes and dreams thread.

09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

Always thought that Greystone color was sort of an awkward one. Hadn't seen it pull off chrome, black or stock wheels extremely well like some of the other simpler colors. It's always a toss up I guess on what it pulls off

But I must say, I'm loving what ya did with it. The color matching and chrome accents & heads tie in real nice this time :shake:

sent from your HTC Rezound

My truck's blue....? I'm confused? But thanks anyways haha!
09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

Looking good, got a far away shot with the new exhaust setup?

Looks as if i have to replace two Hostages and the single Trail that got clipped by a culvert

Edit: This is Alex btw lol
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09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

Learn how to drive :imo.

Damn dude that sucks, wheels looks messed up, how were the trails wearing up until this point?

Lol, dipped in that ditch, after a railroad track (random) snuck up on me, and the road turned immediately to the right, but I didn't know so I went straight

And the trails have about 1500 miles on em, wearing really really good actually
09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

So the truck didn't get fucked up any, it was just the wheels?

Sent from Tapashit
09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

4WD conversion may be in the near future :secret:
Most likely trading consoles with CUB next time I roll to Shreveport to get body lift on.
09 ECSB Silvy - Slut

4WD conversion may be in the near future :secret:
Most likely trading consoles with CUB next time I roll to Shreveport to get body lift on.

Tired of your console?

4WD conversion?...just join the dark side and go low :crazy: