2011 1500 on 38s

Well as of now, the HD conversion is under way. I've got the grille installed already and the hood is on its way to the painter. When I get that back, its time to put all that on. Then I have a HD bumper to track down and try and make work with the 3" BL I have(oh fucking joy).

In other news, the truck will be going bigger. I'm either going to run an FTS 10" kit set to 12" thanks to Bilstein Struts, or I'm going to say fukk it and buy the 15" kit and set it to about 17" and just tower these 38s(which would get upgraded to 41" Iroks later)



Those pics are all pre 2011 HD grille obviously.
Do you rub right now? You're at 12" currently, aren't you? Well, in that case, 10" kit with BL since it's cheaper and has the smaller box.
I do rub at full lock now with the 38s on x12s.

Wanting to step up to x14s so I'm thinking the 10" kit is going to be minimum. May just go 15" kit and say fukk it.
What don't you understand Jared? lol.

12" rubs 38s on x12s. Figure 15"(10" cranked + 3" body) will rub 38s on x14s so may just go with a 15" kit set on 17" and run x14s and no BL
i saw this truck in person and its a HUGE bitch!!!! im 6'1 and i had to jump up to get into it[/COLOR]] its pretty sweet though!!!!

and hes a pretty nice guy. hes offering to help me out on my bl for a couple cases of beer. hes ok in my book
Preciate all the comments guys. I'm ready to get my new kit so I can a little more room for when I go x14s
Not a problem Brandon. I don't know when the new kit is going to be coming. I was going to go 15" kit, but I think I'm gona bank some of the extra money for other stuff and just get the 10" kit with 10-12 bilsteins.