08Texas Build thread

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got to thinking this morning but if i did get a cam, what size brand and supporting mods would be the best?

size cam is up to you and your plans, supporting mods could be anything from pushrods and springs to sky is the limit, it is really like asking what wheels should I get
Yea i understand what your after looking for a bit. The performance wont be for awhile, until my warranty goes out to be exact. Im slowly working on this dropping and little things here and there. Ive always had lifted, leveled, mud terrain you know that area. So this is a new scene for me. Nodody around this town has a nice 2wd dropped or anything.
well hopefully my shit will show up tomorrow or saturday so i cant start on it this weekend.
i have a buddy coming to town to help

Got all this in just waiting on my box and some free time for the drop shackle kit