Fixed.that front end sets the truck off, just needs a couple more inches all the way around and then color match and bag the fuck out of it.
that front end sets the truck off, just needs a couple more inches all the way around and then build a motor
Haha, I wish. He needs to soon so I can get a lot of other stuff done.He painted some handles he got at pipes with the same paint he painted those SS mirrors with and I only painted the GMC with some paint in a can from English paint. I bought the mirrors already colormatched off a dude on GMFS. Should be in the mail Monday.Did Bohall finally find a place to paint!? I see you got a few things done and he did his handles
Color matched gmc looks great!!!
Question on your mirrors. I'm planning on color matching the black plastic on my mirrors too. Did you sand the plastic smooth prior to paint or???
Badass now get them put on and get us some pics!