Looks great! Love the locations in those shots. I like how you just parked in the middle of the road and got out and took shots, lol
Thanks man! I saved a few more spots for future use. Don't want to use up all the good locations on one shoot lol
still one of my fav single cabs.. always clean.
Appreciate it :shake: Needs new wheels or the old polished 20's back and a little more low for awhile.
"love thyself."
I see someone is an english major.
truck looks good dude!
Haha, Thanks!
Took the Denali tails off and put stockers I got in a trade back on as they been condensing pretty bad lately with the rains and all. Anybody ever sealed their lights or have suggestions?

Also quick shot of the truck. Went and shot a friends pistol and some .22's for a little relaxation today...