06 build thread.

Got the truck back on Friday. Its a night and day difference from how it was till now. I will try and get some videos up this week.

this happened last week in the wal mart parking lot. No note or anything was left, so that topped with the hail damage it received last night means it will be spending some time in the body shop soon. Getting everything repaired and a few extra things done while it is there.
lol just saw that post. Sorry havent gotten any videos of it yet. I did order the extreme tune from Tony Wildman today. When I get it in I will try and get a few videos.
yea it sucks. I got the dent popped back out. Sending it in July to get the paint work fixed and some other things done at the same time.
:sigh: never did get the paint work done. no telling when i will either.

Havent posted in a long time. Havent done much to the truck besides factory 20's and fixing the haze in the headlights. . Its down right now for a new set of injectors.


and as it sits as a few weeks ago. Completely filthy.