01 Burgundy Z71

No way dude, I wouldn't touch that bish. She looks soooooo clean with the chrome preds. Maybe just crank a little and put 35s on them?
Although when I see this, it makes me want to keep them

on sunday a buddy on here hooked me up with some info on a set of BMF novikanes, and I picked them up for a god price. They are in great shape. Got them home and gave them a good strip washing, then clayed, and waxed which really made them shine. Day after I got them ordered a set of 35/12.50/20 Mud Grapplers, and had them mounted up this morning. Reinstalled my 6in blocks, and cranked the t-bars back up. Surprising, it rides better now then it did before. Front fenders are at 45.25" Backs are 44".

So what yall think?





Novakanes* and good* :cheeky:

How much did you scoop up the bmfs for? I think I like the chrome a little better, but this is still nice imo

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Looks good but personally I rather the chrome wheels.
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Polished shaft. Still have to do front one.

Also started scraping frame. Going to paint everything under truck gloss black.
Black, chrome and maroon do not work well together in my opinion. Never liked those wheels either, hope they dont break in half on you though. Stance and tires look great!
Black, chrome and maroon do not work well together in my opinion. Never liked those wheels either, hope they dont break in half on you though. Stance and tires look great!

Thanks :think:

Not for everyone. I like it though.
those better not be fogles wheels or i will be tempted to pick up my leveling kit in person and punch his square in nuts