Yukon died abruptly. Not cranking.


New member
Dec 4, 2016
My wife has a 2005 GMC Yukon XL, which she loves to death. It has the 5.3 liter engine with roughly 246 K miles. Yesterday, while driving home, the truck died abruptly but she was able to coax it into a parking lot. I tried to go retrieve it, but the starter doesn’t appear to be cranking ? She has a newish battery and I even tried jump starting it, but no luck. Any ideas ? Could a bad ECM explain all the symptoms ?

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It would appear that this issue is related to the battery cable problem with this vintage of vehicle. Power windows work, no crank at the starter. I know in the past I’ve seen write ups on this issue, but I don’t recall what causes this. Does anyone else remember ? Is it just inferior cables used ? Does the “big three” cable upgrade eliminate this ?

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Check the starter for loose connections on the solenoid and ground on the cyl head. Check the small wire (some plug in, some have a 8mm nut) on the solenoid for power while cranking. If that’s all good pull the starter and jump it so see if the works. Super easy to do.

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Thanks for the info, but apparently it’s blowing a main fuse to the ECM... Mechanic is trying to figure out if it’s the ECM itself or something else that’s causing the fuse to blow.

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FYI: it was due to a bad fuel pump. The pump was the cause of the ECM fuse blowing. Slapped in a new AC Delco fuel pump and she was back on the road !

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