Important!: Vette servo!! NEED HELP!


New member
Nov 16, 2012
Just west of DFW
Ok so I finally gathered up enough balls to do my servo finally, got everything apart and put back together, on the last step and I cannot for the life of me get the c clip ring thing on the cover to go in! This shits about to puss me the fuck of, anyone have any tips?
I got it out and said, FUCK......FUCKFUCKFUCK!!!

Decided I didn't want to do it anymore and tried to put it back in, couldn't, said screw it, already had the hard part done, the rest is simple, now I'm stuck on this damn clip thing
If you don't have that clip seated correctly, you can blow your transmission case at the servo. I know from experience too
Ok I finally got the whore back on, took 2 guys, one to hold the crow bar to press on the cap, one to have BOTH hands to get the springy ass clip in, almost didn't have it seated all the way in at the top bit I caught it thankfully, you can see if its not all the way in, just take a screw driver and press it in the groove until its all the way seated
I had the same problem when I did mine. I was cursing and throwing tools at the wall. I finally wedged a chunk of wood against the transmission tunnel which held the pry bar in place so I could use both hands to get the clip in.
Hahah, yea my head lamp/light is dead now, smashed up in a million pieces, I get that way too when I'm pissed sometimes, didn't help that I was already in a shit mood to begin with
Hahah, yea my head lamp/light is dead now, smashed up in a million pieces, I get that way too when I'm pissed sometimes, didn't help that I was already in a shit mood to begin with

Like dis?

maybe not that particular one, but I used one, and it took me maybe 45 minutes from parking the truck, letting it cool down, taking it out, putting new one together, and driving the truck out of the garage with the help of a friend. 4 hands are a good thing.
maybe not that particular one, but I used one, and it took me maybe 45 minutes from parking the truck, letting it cool down, taking it out, putting new one together, and driving the truck out of the garage with the help of a friend. 4 hands are a good thing.

Hell yea, if someone can do it solo i would love to see how, unless your an octopus, I don't see how!