Suspension problem


New member
Mar 14, 2012
St George SC
Posting here is a lot better than the Tacoma forums and they're all dicks. Theres lots of knowledgeable people here so I'll ask yall.

2000 Tacoma 4wd

Got a mysterious problem. I can be driving, fine as wine, then I feel a very faint front end vibration that escalates in about a minute into a horribly violent shake. It happens randomly. Never all the time.

Had a mechanic drive it and inspect everything. Said he couldn't find anything. Replaced rotors and rotated tires after it happened the first time and it still happens.

Maybe steering stabilizer?
sounds more like a CV shaft going, I had a customer come in 4 or 5 times for a sudden violent pull in his truck and I couldn't ever get it to do it until the last time. put new shaft in, guy never complained about it again. Does it happen at certain speeds or can you just be cruising and out of no where it come in?
It's happened 3 times. First time was at 40 mph. The last times were at 60. It feels ever so faint then just slowly escalates. Hitting the brakes makes the truck almost flip.
Sounds like what mine does when I get on a bumpy road..small bump will send it into a violent shake and I have to get on the brakes hard to make it stop..pretty sure mine is because of using aftermarket spindles with my control arms
I've been driving back and forth to parts stores and tool stores getting parts for my dad's truck all night (wheel bearing tore up) and the truck has been driving perfectly. Asked at autozone about a stabilizer shock and they had no clue what I was talking about so I'll have to call around tomorrow.
autozone is so dumb, when my roommates ujoint was going on his truck we were asking what the ticking noise was before we knew what it was, the guy said its probably the rear cv axle....never going there again