Stinger Audio components FOR SALE!

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New member
Nov 25, 2012
I have Stinger RCA's, Spools, and parts for sale. I had a car audio business for awhile and sold out. I was left with excess parts and want to sell all. I have various boxes for sale with this as well. I want to sell everything for $700.00. I will send pics if requested. If you are interested send me an email at
I can vouch for Zane, I got all my wiring from him for my install, for that guys that say it, they know the quality. I've known Zane for about 10 years or so.

Zane, do me a favor, get some pics per the rules when you can.

Also, the stuff us in Prosper near me at a storage facility. If anything, I can go get pics for you Zane so that these guys can see the stuff.
Send him an email, and if he doesn't respond in a day, shoot me a message and I will try to get out there and get pics

From what I remember, there were spools of wire, amp kits, fuse blocks, sound deadener, so much shit
I got in touch with him for pics, I should have them this afternoon. If not I will close the ad until he does.

Also, those who saw all the wiring I had, it was all from his storage. I have a package of the RCA's I can snap a pic of for sure.
stinger I believe, some was in a tub, some was sheets, I have some of the sheets here

I haven't heard back from him...I am going to close it per the rules
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