So how do you graft a hood, onto a hood?


Mar 17, 2012
Alma, GA
Ok guys I'm wanting to looking into finding a 06-07 hood and having the tall part and thru the middle put onto mine so it fits like the 03-05 but has the look of 06-07 I hate that year grille is only reason... pics if y'all have any of RGV hoods or anything similar, I've got a pic of a 99-02 HD on a Silverado with GMC bumper welded together... not the best work but it could be finished and look good imo. But I wouldn't do it to mine :shrug: the sharp bodylines in the center of Silverado hoods needs to stay or it looks goofy.


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That bumper lines up awesome against those headlights and grille.

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I wanted to say how much of a mess that was too, but walked away. I can't form a serious opinion with that hot mess.
Forget the truck. All it was to show how bad 99-02 HD hood looks on NBS I want to know about grafting a 06-07 to a 03-05 hood.

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How do you?
You have to cut the pieces you want off the donor hood and tack it to the good hood. Bondo and paint it.
I've seen some pretty nasty conversions. A lot from RGV where they graft NNBS HD pieces onto their 06 hood
That truck is not an 99-02 hd hood. That is the 06-07c hood on a 03-05 grille
Yea that's just an 06-07 hood and 03-05 grille..notice how the hood pushes the grille down hence the gap between the grille bar and headlights.. you could use your stock grille with stock 06 hood if you trim the mesh to fit flush against the hood on the top side..
Still have tiny triangle gaps where the color match part of the 03-05 grille meet the hood.

Another reason that truck is so gappy is because like stated above, it's obs.

Personally, it will look weird to graft the bigger center and still have the little points at the end of the headlights.

99-02 work off the curves.
03-05 work off the edges.
06-07c go back to curves

Mixing the designs won't work too well
Still have tiny triangle gaps where the color match part of the 03-05 grille meet the hood.

Yea the only way I could see that working would be to get a spare grille and use those colormatched parts to mold them onto the stock grille and make that part flush against the hood..probably more work than its worth
All I want is the 06-07 hood look on my grille.. I like that hood but not the grille.

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Like Brett was saying, I think you will run into fitment issues with the trim hear the head lights, you will need to trim that
Just run an 06 hood with your grille you will be fine except for the lil triangle gaps you will have where the hood meets the grille like tukn4s said

**edit** here's my old truck 06 hood on 03-05 grille

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