Phone number for Phil @ fast headlights? - Possible issue with order


New member
Mar 30, 2014
Hey everyone, I wasn't sure where to post so I figured I would just post here.

Last night I paid for my headlights to be sent out to Phil and were fed-exed this morning. In an email about a week ago before I had purchased I asked Phil where to ship so I could place my order - since then the order has been placed shipped to that address, however in an email I just received this morning from fast headlights, a different shipping address was provided.

My lights are already on the way to the first address as of about

Does anyone that knows phil have his cell number that can PM it to me so I can give him a call to hopefully resolve this sooner?
He's a tough guy to reach via email.

I'm assuming one address was for his home and the other his business? But I was under the impression that he did his work from home.

Thanks guys...
192 aurora drive Norwich New York. That the address you sent to?

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Yeah that is the one that is on the shipping label, but I also got 213 Grayson drive
Norwich, NY

Well good news they haven't left the building yet so now I just have to figure out which address to ship them to.

I figured both are fine...but I've had some bad luck lately with truck parts and shipping lol so I wanted to make damn sure.

You could pm him over on gmfullsize.
I went over to GMFS to PM him but his inbox has been full for like a month haha, he's a busy dude.

Or DM him on instagram too
I also DM'd him on insta when I was trying to get ahold of him about lights in the first place but haven't heard back from that yet lol.
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I think he works with another guy it may be his address

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Ahhh, that would make sense. Okay well if you sent to the aurora I will just continue with that plan. I was hoping to keep my next mod a surprise for you all..dammit lol