Important!: PAINTERS Come in!


El Super Mod
Feb 3, 2011
I finally got my hands on a compressor. Its 20 gallon electric Husky. I really want to learn how to spray with a gun, im pretty awesome with rattle cans. Can you recommend an inexpensive gun, something i can shoot primer, clear, and paint through. Some tips you have acquired over the years.

My overall goal is to paint all my interior gloss black. I want to start practicing on other things meanwhile.

Hows the thinning process, or mixtures, im just a complete noob, hook a brotha up with some links :P namsayin lol
when you buy the paint, wherever you get it from (napa for myself) ask for the mixing chart and a mixing up, it will tell you the ratios of things you need and makes mixing a breeze

as for a paint gun, it all depends on how you want it to turn out. i bought a dirt cheap harbor feight gun to paint frames and shit that doesnt need to be perfect.
Thats the one i was looking at, the one at harbor freight. Some people says its really good, for the first time lol. After the second or more uses, it just sucked.
Go on ebay and search for a SATA jet 90. Yea, you'll spend more on it but it's going to last and you won't have to upgrade later on once you get better at it.

I use a SATA jet 90 for sealer and base and a SATA RP for clear.
Thanks fogle, im definitely going to look into that. Im still going to get a harbor freight gun just cause i have 50% off coupon lol
Ive also have used devilbliss just buy you two different size tips and while you are at it buy your self a packing kit for the internals of the gun,will wear out after a few cleanings