Paint Correction: 65 Mustang

Justin Greenroyd

New member
Nov 7, 2012
Well this weekend i started on a mustang that my friend rebuilt and repainted himself. He told me was going to wetsand the whole car with 2000 before i polish, so i was like ok cool, ive taken out 2000 just fine before. Man was i wrong on this car, i dont know if its the way he sanded or if its just a REALLY hard clear coat. I planned on doing the car with Adams New 1 and 2 but i wasnt able to. Why not? Because it didnt do much correcting on this clear. I tried everything i had, Adams 1 and 2, Menzerna FG400, Chemical Guys V32 with several different foam and mf pads, nothing worked. I was getting so mad because it wouldnt work and i knew there was only one more thing to do to actually get it out...Rotary with a wool pad. So i went and got my Dewalt rotary and went to Oreillys and bought a wool pad and Megs 105. EVEN with all that running all the way up to 3500 rpms it still takes 5-6 passes to get it perfect. And of course there was buffer trails so i finished each panel with Adams Correcting Polish on the white foam pad. I only have about 30% of the car done and im already 20 hours in just paint correction. On the next car i do ill be able to actually give a good write up using just Adams 1 and 2, sorry i wasnt able to this time.

Had everything ready to test out Adams 1 and 2

From here it doesnt look too bad after 2 passes of each

But its still really bad

This is when i started trying other polishes

This is after i got the rotary and 105, still taking SEVERAL passes. Btw this was the first time ive ever used a rotary with a wool pad

Pretty hazy, havent finished yet with adams #2

At first i was terrified of this thing, but now im really comfortable with it

Still a couple deep ones

Working my way around the hood. 6hours just on the hood

Corrected but not finished with adams #2 yet

Completely finished 50/50

Then i had an accident...
I was using the rotary at 3200 rpms, my headphones were ran thru my shirt but i had taken them out my ears for a second to talk. Lean over to far and the rotary caught those and tore me up. Thank god it didnt hit the car, somehow i pulled away fast enough to get away from the car but i had the trigger lock on so it wouldnt stop. The sound of those headphones getting tangled up and hitting scared the crap out of me. My friend ryan finally unplugged the rotary and it finally stopped. I guess the part of the headphones that plugs into the phone hit my finger and stomach before it completely ripped off because it tore my finger up. Half of my pointed finger is completely purple and is still throbbing. Theres a bunch of blood under my finger nail and its swollen pretty bad. It managed to cut open my stomach a little bit too. Only pic i have is of my arm

Opened the garage for a second to catch these gorgeous pics

And thats it! Thanks for looking, im going to finish the car this week and ill post more pics as i progress.
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Saw the pics you posted on IG. Thats crazy it's taking all of that to get it perfect. Going to look amazing when done! Hope you're getting compensated well for your time lol
Yes sir i am! His grandpa has several classic cars and theres a couple other people waiting to see how it comes out. So after im finished i should have alot more paint corrections coming my way
Yes sir i am! His grandpa has several classic cars and theres a couple other people waiting to see how it comes out. So after im finished i should have alot more paint corrections coming my way

Hell yeah man, can't beat that. I'm sure they will be very happy with how this one turns out :shake: Keep us updated with the pics.

Went and got my finger xrayd at lunch, i broke my finger.

That suckssss
Next time to make life easier, follow the 2000 with trizact 3000 and then trizact 5000. Way easier to get out than 2000g scratches. But looks great so far.
Hey guys, im not gona be on much anymore. Got a new job and detailing is really picking up so im only gona go on wheni have free time. But I did finish the mustang after 40 hours total. 37 hours in just polishing. Well here it is, hope you like it as much as I did.

BTW I did get a new truck tho!