OBS rough idle and dying


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
So i went out to move vehicles around tonight and i get in my truck to back it out of the driveway and i start it turn the lights on and put it in reverse and i go back a little then it dies lights go out everything.

so i put it in drive turned the key off and turned it once and the orange light on the gear indicator was lit up under the p for park. i turn the key all the way and no dash lights come on the light under the p goes out and i try to crank it and nothing.

so i get out pop the hood and i check my battery and i have the side post screw-in posts, and i barely move the positive one and the under-hood light lights up so i get in start it and it starts.

then it starts idling low and when i was in reverse to park it back in the driveway ( i had turned it around and parked somewhere else) id tap the gas to give it a little momentum since the driveway is sloped and it moved but after the rpm dropped and acted as if it was gonna die then they'd come back up then id tap the gas again and it'd drop and stutter a bit then go up.

i have no clue whats going on bc its done the low idle and dying before but it went away.

side note....there's a hose running from the air cleaner to the header manifold on the passenger side and its a shitty material hose and doesn't have clamps or anything holding it on it just slides on and off. dunno what its for or if i should get a dif. one and clamp it on since the one on it frequently slips off the opening on the air intake

that hose is just a EGR thing, i wouldnt worry about that.

As for it dying as we saw with kipps truck a shitty batt can mess stuff up, Pull off your cables, clean the connections, hell if you can give it a load test.

well sum bitch i didnt know that was for the egr my mechanic told me the egr was throwing a code which turned my check engine light on maybe just getting a new hose will clear it? and the weird thing about the truck idling and dying is it rarely happens like i went out today and it started just fine ran fine no problems.