My stereo set up is acting up


Faux Runner
Staff member
Jan 25, 2011
Northern California
I took the amp and subs out the xB (same ones i had in NNBS) which were working great and put them in the OBS. I mounted the amp to the back wall and the subs in a downfire box under the rear seats.

When i turned it on to test the subs acted like they werent working hardly at all. These sounded great in both previous vehicles so i was confused. I checked all wiring, the ground and then the way i wired it to the box, nothing out of wack. So i flipped the back seat up and while i did that the subs popped and came on working like usual. So i wiggled the seat and they popped and they went out again. No wires are pinched or tugged on that i saw. Only thing i can think of is maybe the amp being mounted to the back wall weirdly grounds itself or somehow breaks the ground when the amp had pressure on it because the amp footings are metal and the screws that hold the amp in cause it to go haywire?

Im really confused on what to do with it. Could it be bad RCAs? What else would cause this?
Did you mount the amp directly to the back wall or to a board on the back wall? Maybe the screws you used are grounding it out? :think:
An amps chassis is referenced to chassis ground, so that shouldn't be the problem. Is there adequate airspace between the subs and the floor? Does the seat bottom push down on the enclosure, and in turn push down on the woofers cones?
An amps chassis is referenced to chassis ground, so that shouldn't be the problem. Is there adequate airspace between the subs and the floor? Does the seat bottom push down on the enclosure, and in turn push down on the woofers cones?

nope, theres adequate space all over. its really weird.
I just had this same problem. I had hours and hours in troubleshooting. I couldn't figure it out no matter how hard I tried. I was running a PAC converter, I replaced that and still nothing I obviously checked everything a thousand times. FINALLY I took a look at the board on the amp and found that a wire had popped off. I soldered back on and I was back in buisness. Amp was a kicker zx1000.1

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