Important!: Mobile 1 full syn. 5000+ miles


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Used mobile 1 full syn. with a gold purolator filter. This is with 5000+ miles

This time went back with same oil, except used a AC delco PF 61E filter. About an 1in longer then the purolator.

Want to send this oil off to be tested, any ideas of where or how to do it? Haven't began to look yet for how to sent it off.
If you live near a naval base, make good friends with an MM or EN. We used to always send our shit off to be tested.
What if you fill up the filter with oil before you install it? For the .59 difference between the two filters, I'd rather the longer one for the extra filtration area inside it. Even if it doesn't make a difference it just seems better in my mind. :crazy:
So why not just change filters out halfway through the oil change for better filtration over the longer one? I personally have never, and will never do that. If my father can squeeze 245k out of his 91 ecsb that he used to work in and haul shit all the time, and has never done a rebuild, I think just making sure the upkeep is met will be fine. Especially in newer technology.
Would really like to see how much shit a filter catches.

To me seems like if it had to filter that much shit, then something internally is fucked.

If it filters x amount of metal out of the oil each oil change then were the hell is the metal coming from and what parts have 200k wear life assuming the vehicle's life expectancy is that long?