Looking for a Wii game console for cheap


The LED Man
Apr 6, 2012
My kids broke their Wii, won't read any discs anymore. All its good for is watching Netflix. I'm just looming for a cheap used one to replace it. The few I do see on CL people want ridiculous prices because they want to sell ASA bundle with all the games they own. So I was just throwing this out there wondering if anybody had one they werent using anymore.
If I can't find one soon, I will just get that new Wii mini. Its supposedly just a smaller thinner Wii. DNW that WiiU shit that's out now. I have enough regular Wii games in this house as it is.
Do you need just the console? Or all the wires and shit too?

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Since I already have a Wii, I don't really need the wires and sensor bar and everything. I currently have the Wii hooked up in my daughters room and everything works but the disc drive. You can watch Netflix on it and do other "apps" and shit, but you just can't play any games.
I have a wii I bought for Christmas last year for the hell of it because gf wanted one. Used it twice. Decided it was lame lol.

Only problem, my pup chewed some cables. Not sure if it was for the controller or power, but I know the console works great and that's the only issue.
I may have one, I'll check when I go to my parents tomorrow and will let you know

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