How to revive chrome?


Jan 27, 2011
Gainesville, Ga
Anybody have any tips or tricks on how to revive chrome? The chrome is pretty well shot on my wheels. I plan on new ones, maybe around xmas time but until then I'd at least like to get them more presentable.

I've tried chrome polish by hand but that didn't do squat. Been thinking of picking up a power cone.

Here you can see how bad it is. This is the worst one.

From 10ft away they're not bad, but up close is badddd on a couple. The PO obviously never polished them.

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0000 steel wool and Polish will remove a lot of stuff, then a really good polish.
Where do you buy said steel wool? Home Depot?

Turtle Wax chrome polish, you can thank me later lol.

Agree with tony. Pull off and clean backside. Goes a long way IMO.

I'll pick some of that up, have mothers chrome polish but it's not worth shit. Been meaning to clean backside, just haven't gotten to it yet. It's nassttyyyyyyy back there lol
You can polish it with any chrome polish to clean it, but if there's any discoloring or pitting or bad spots it won't fix that. And make sure you clean the backsides really well, that will make them look cleaner anyways
foil will take rust off and not scratch. get a medium cut polish or some muratic acid if the polish doesn't take the oxidation/hard water stains

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