how to:level tow mirrors


Super Moderator
Mar 13, 2012
southern cali
things you need:
Phillips screw driver
m6 washers (12 total)
m6-1.00x20mm bolts(if you want them. 4 total)
putty knife or something similar

all in all this took me about ten minutes but I've done this before so set aside a half hour or so

first start out by sticking a putty knife or something else between the plastic cap and pulling it apart. there is a tab on each side

next I loosen all the bolts with a screw gun and I leave them right before they come out. here are the screws

I like to pop off two at a time. meaning the top right and top left and you can fit ur fingers in there for the washers. I get extended bolts but it's up to you. now place three washers on the top behind the metal bracket like this

thread both in partially and repeat process on top left and bottom left bolt. pop on plastic cover and you're done with that mirror. repeat process on other mirror as well.
pass side done. drivers side stock

now both sides done
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You don't have to trim any plastic or anything? Thought I read somewhere you need to trim the cover that goes over the bolts.
You don't have to trim any plastic or anything? Thought I read somewhere you need to trim the cover that goes over the bolts.

I had to trim mine, but they were eBays. I bet that might have something to do with it.
Mine were aftermarkets (from discountautomirror, can't remember the actual manufacturer name) and needed 5-6 washers and to trim the plastic. Sat perfectly level tho, I guess my washers were thinner than yours. But I did actually havta trim those covers quite a bit

**just remembered, Kool Vue brand
where did the pics go?

How plastic do u have to trim> I should do this mod.