How much is left on these?


New member
Mar 20, 2012
Found me a set of trail grapps but I don't know much about tread life and what not. So how much tread looks to be left on these? And about how many miles are left on them?

not much. how much are they asking? with your crew cab truck i'd say 6-10k miles left on them if you have a good alignment. but running on bald tires isn't exactly the best idea. i wouldn't pay more than 150$ for those. and i can mount and balance them myself which will cost you about 20$ a tire if not more.
He's asking $400. He claims they have 75% left and he can throw in another one with 80% if I want it
He said the bottom is brand new :lol: maybe I need to go look myself and get better pics. I'll ask for 300 and see what he says
Top to bottom


You're gonna have to replace at least two soon. I wouldn't run them more than a month.
A thread depth tool is only a few bucks. Buy one and if they aren't too far away go look at them with it and see for sure.

I honestly couldn't tell you how much is left but if you get them cheap enough, are happy with them, and can flip the tires you have now then why not lol

Edit: B beat me to it haha
Fuck 400$ and you pay to take mine off when I get my next set. Which will be soon. :jest:
Yea I'm just going to go check them out myself. He said we can take them to gateway and see how much is left on them
The bottom tire looks pretty good and if he has another 80% possibly pick up 2 decent tires,you dont want all that other shit
Thats good to hang on the side of a peir
If I can get him low enough I will go ahead and get the best 4 out of the 5. I only drive maybe 5 miles a day living in a small college town and being at school all day so even if they arnt the best they will last me a little while atleast
Even if that bottom one is brad new? Because what he said was the bottom one was brand new and e really just wants his money back from it and giving me the rest for free