Drop shackles clunking?


Canuck Admin
Staff member
Feb 9, 2012
Sudbury, ON
So as many of you know, I have 2" belltech drop shackles (should have gone 3")

Anyway, this morning I noticed a new clunk coming from the rear of the truck. I don't know whether to attribute it to the cold, since the temperature dipped from 5*C (41*C) to -6*C (21.2*F) overnight, or if something's up with the shackles such as bushings or bolts. Hell maybe it's unrelated. Just looking for insight. It's only when the rear of the truck shifts side to side.

I'm not worried, but I'm just a little irritated that my truck with a little over 13,000km or 8,000mi has developed this.

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Gonna go shake my truck, pretty sure mine does the same thing from side to side

**nevermind. Mine's silent other than the hitch banging around in the receiver
Yeah clunking side to side is a lot better than squeaking lmao. But, I've never had poly bushings squeak, I just grease the shit out of them before I install

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I'm going to go with temperature related. Like I said it was a cold morning, but the temperature drop the night before was pretty significant. After work the clunk was gone, and I couldn't replicate it anymore in the driveway. Did it again Saturday morning for a bit but went away.

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