Wanted: Driver Denali headlight Bracket


GMC Owner
Mar 28, 2012
Hey guys, a buddy of mine leaned against my drivers denali headlight and broke the pin holes on the bracket so now my light bounces around. Anybody have a driver side denali mounting bracket they'd be willing to send my way please?
Let me get my truck back, I my be buying a new driver side light since they are replacing the passenger, and I don't think I'll be able to stand that shit.
If you do, send it all to me with your tails so I can get em done and I can drop off bracket with him. Or the other way around
I'm gonna bump this, I'm still looking for a driver side denali headlight mounting bracket. I'm sure someone has a spare laying around...
Just saw this. I just posted a thread for one as well.

If anyone has one, give priority to Anthony. I can wait a bit lol
Ya I already tried the dealer and they said they can't get it separate, comes on the light as an assembly only. So I was hoping someone had a spare sitting around from a bad headlight or something
really your best bet is a junkyard, I decided not to break mine down, I will be buying a new light to match the passenger side going to try and recoup at least some of the money by selling the OEM.
I have, our local pick n pull yards only have obs trucks, and the auto dismantlers don't sell separate parts like that, you have to buy a whole headlight. I may try to fix it with some metal and epoxy.