CGM official busted thread!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 28, 2011
Didn't see a thread so made one.
Post up any pics of you getting pulled over, etc.

Got pulled over for swerving (swerved to miss a pothole I knew was coming up). Cop was nice, said they were cracking down on DWI's and warned me to watch out for the trooper down the road. Wasn't there 3 minutes though and had three cops behind me. Guess they thought I was going to be a drunk thug :shrug: lol

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No pics, but got busted for doing 31 over when I was 16. Had just gotten my 87 IROC Camaro and opened her up on a back road. The ONE time I do that, there's a cop at the bottom of the hill. Lost my license for 6 months, $1200 fine, mandatory DUI/drivers safety school, mandatory state driving class.

Then the weekend after my 18th bday, had JUST gotten my license changed, and got pulled over on the way back to college for 28 over by State Patrol in a construction zone. Dude was cool, said he had an IROC in highschool. Didn't write me for construction zone, but didn't drop the speed. 'Nother $800 to the state :mad:

And what do I go and do? 3 months later, I sell that car and get a MUCH faster 5.0 Mustang :lol: Never got a ticket in that car tho
No pics but back in high school I got pulled for going 73 in a 35 school zone while passing a loaded school bus on a solid double line. Then tried to run. My little 4 cyl 5 spd S10 didn't get very far. Was like $2700 in tickets and fines and 8 pts but got it reduced to $1000 and 4 pts.
Never got pulled over but have gotten into 2 accidents with state troopers on scene. Was about a few feet shy of t- boning a Hyundai Santa fe after the tried to pass me while I was making a left hand turn. Trooper stated that the girl said I failed to signal. No ticket issued. Took my moms expedition out in snowstorm in Dec 2010 and slid across county road into telephone pole and tree line. Trooper was going to write me for reckless. But gf's father, who is a lieutenant in state police(fuck yeah)
showed up and bailed me outta that. No ticket. But right now I am driving around on a 6 month expired insurance card.
Blew a .004 after a few beers. Passed all the stupid human tricks. Cop was a prick. Took me to jail for suspicion of DUI and took my buddy to jail for public intox. There's a lot more to it but long story short I had a chat with the chief and the officer that took me in was shortly there after fired. He had been fired from a couple of other departments in the area as well. Paid 1200 dollars in tickets and it didn't go on my record.

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62 in a 35 at midnight sunday night in a small ass town in maine. driving my buddies mom's saab 9000 aero. speed changed from 55 to 35 top of a hill on a blind corner. cop was a prick. 267 dollar ticket. lost my license for a month of my senior year. funny thing was i was driving his ass around because he lost his for 14 over in the same car. same night same car. an hour before. was pulled for tailgating and erratic speed. cop confiscated some fireworks, and let me go. that red car was a fucking magnet. me and deryck were pulled at least 10 times in that car in 2 years. between the both of us. but his mom beat us because she had the car since new and was known to be a fast driver.

ranger got pulled for no front plate because the cop was bored. although i wasnt wearing my seatbelt and i think he saw it, but i had it on by the time i was actually stoppedo n the side of the road. and i got pulled for like 62 in a 50 or something stupid. again. 1130 pm no one on the road. bored prick cop.

72 in a 60 IIRC. This was in Ohio on the roadtrip back from Cali to Maine. I knew I was going to get pulled over somewhere, just didn't know where :rofl: