Anyone done this before?


New member
Jul 12, 2013
So im xpecting the hate an thats fine. Any coments will be appreciated, takes alot to hurt my feelings lol but back to my question....has any one ever painted their ignition coils. I started mine yesterday. I only did two as a test run. Ill post pick once I figure out how,to do it from my phone. Any pics will be appreviated. Thanks guys

Definitely not something relative to INTERIOR as it is the exterior of the car, unless you consider the engine as "interior", in which no one does.

Also, no thanks. Black is quite alright with me. If anything wires is the most I would do. Engine bay decorative begins to look like high school rice very easily.
Sorry bout that! I thought I was in xterior lol careless I guess....well I used bulldog plastic promoter an ive used that for unfer hood plastics an tbey have held up pretty good. Guess time will tell! so im guesing no pics :(
Your right, I mean doing two didnt take me long to finish so im guessing when they start showing wear ill jst redo them....i jst cant see my self paying all that $$$ forthe msd. Rather spend money on suspension for now. Poor mans story
Dont have the link do you! I did msd on a precious truck an wasnt impresed, so idk ill eventually upgrade to.some other brand besides msd
I used to have an older Cutlass with the coil inside the top of the dist cap. I painted both the dist cap and the top cover that fit over the coil. It held up perfectly fine for several years (3-4 years) until I replaced the dist cap.
well I painted mine, an they look ok....atleast I like it. ill post pics once I get to a computer cause I dont think you can upload pics from your phone with out tapatalk
Well I finaly getting around to posting pics, took me a whil cause I sanded the shit out of them an made sure my prep work is as body shop worthy, anyways make a long story short I painted them an they look jst the way I wAnted them. Sorry for the shitty pic quality but trust me they look good
Well I used paint tbat should hold up to 500 degrees, so we will see how they hold up