Adam's Video Commercial Contest!!


New member
Feb 4, 2013
OK fellow Shine Freaks, this is one contest you won't want to miss out on. This is our biggest ever, BY FAR!!

What's the deal?

Adam's is hosting a video contest. Now I know what you're thinking… what a pain in the butt!

Don't worry, it's easy. All you have to do is upload your video commercial to YouTube and provide a link for us in the contest thread on our forums (to keep all the entries in one place) to view it. Link to the thread is here:

Adam's Video Commercial Contest!! - Contests, Promos, and Sales! - Adams Forums

Contest Rules:

The video must be SHORTER than 1 minute. Keep it short and sweet.

The content of the video is open ended. However, the ultimate goal is for you to sell an Adam's product. You can shoot a video using Detail Spray, Kwazars, The Cyclo etc., with any creative twist you want. A lot of these videos will be somewhat funny, and that's a good thing.

The video must be uploaded to YouTube by Friday, May 9th at midnight MST to be eligible to win.

Winner will be chosen by our team and will contacted and announced on Monday, May 12th.

Please keep this fun and friendly. That's how we like it. :)

What do I get if I win?:

The prize package for the winner is a serious one, to say the least!!

A highly sought-after Adam's hat:

A Project Patriot: Limited Edition Ultra Premium Paste Wax:


Aaaaaaaaand a $1,000 Gift Certificate to Adam's Polishes. No, that is not a mis-print. One. Thousand. Dollars.


The stakes are high, and so are our expectations! Show us your best stuff, can't wait to see what you come up with!

Sounds like a good contest but I can't see someone with only a cell phone winning lol. In for funny videos.

FFB Device
I considered making one but not now. Fuck it. Don't know why, but for some strange reason they banned me from Adams forums. WTF??
Entries must be submitted by Midnight MST tonight Don't miss out on your chance to win these awesome prizes!!
who ever wins it will more then deserve it for taking the time to actualy brainstorm/film/edit and submit lol. good luck to anyone who enters
I was going to make one but it rained on all the days I set aside to get people to help. Wasn't meant to be lol